
Donation Matching Lets You Make Double the Difference!

July 14, 2024: Folks often feel that their donations aren’t enough to make a real difference. Did you know that many employers offer donation matching to employees who contribute to non-profit organizations?...

Virtual Event: Moon Landing and Lunar Time

July 2, 2024: Giant Leap for Mankind, Giant Leap for Timekeeping: Celebrating 55 Years Since the Moon Landing and the Development of Lunar Standard Time On July 20th, 1969, the world watched in awe as humanity took its first steps on the lunar surface....

Spring 2024 Newsletter

June 13, 2024: Welcome to the Spring 2024 edition of Network Time Foundation’s newsletter! Honoring the Legacy of David L....

libptpmgmt 1.3 Release Announcement

June 10, 2024: Erez Geva, Release Engineer for the libptpmgmt Project, recently released version 1.3 of libptpmgmt. It is available via download or by pointing your ftp client to anonymous@ftp....

LinuxPTP 4.3 Released

June 6, 2024: Richard Cochran, Release Engineer for the LinuxPTP Project is glad to announce the release of Version 4....