PTPd 2.3.1 released

June 29, 2015 by Steve Sullivan

After over 18 months of development at various intensity and final weeks of really intensive development and testing, the time has come for PTPd 2.3.1 to see the light of day. Although disappointingly late (leap second announcement has just started), it is definitely worth the upgrade.

The changelog is quite a long list, perhaps too long to paste it as is. Apart from continued code reorganization and bug fixes, many parts were
rewritten (event timers, NTP failover) and cleaned up (network and isolation of PTP code from OS API specific code).

PTPd 2.3.1 introduces a host of changes and new features - the highlights are:

  • Improved sync and delay filtering with statistical filters and an advanced outlier filter
  • Extensive support for unicast transmission including unicast negotiation
  • a feature-complete Telecom profile support, tested to over 1000 slaves handled by a single ptpd Telecom master instance. Telecom profile support
    builds on groundwork sponsored by Perseus Telecom in 2014.
  • Improvements to leap second handling: support for leap second announcement in master state, leap seconds file support, support for leap second smearing
  • Simple interface failover support
  • Improved robustness to network failures
  • Support for slave-only builds
  • Clearer, improved logging and richer status file information making it easy to identify and troubleshoot issues with PTP
  • Improved multi-platform support: Linux and FreeBSD are joined by NetBSD, OpenBSD and (Open)Solaris.

This release should be the last without hardware timestamping support and is likely one minor release away from major architectural changes.


Hopefully documentation and FAQ will follow. In the meantime, we invite all users to downloading and testing 2.3.1. Bugs can be reported via
SourceForge until further notice and the ptpd2(8) and ptpd2.conf(5) man pages are still the most complete source of information.

Best regards,
PTPd team

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