PublicNTP Partnership Announcement

March 29, 2018 by Koni Burrow

Network Time Foundation and PublicNTP, Inc. are proud to announce that PublicNTP has joined Network Time Foundation as an Institutional Member at the Partner level.

The two organizations are combining their resources to bolster their shared goal of providing more Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers. Specifically, this helps to get coverage in areas of the world lacking reliable Internet time sources. Also, many critical industries depend on accurate time. Some examples include cybersecurity, public transportation, health care, and manufacturing.

Giving the Public Access to Precise Network Time

Accurate network time is vital to our modern world. Toward this end, Network Time Foundation supports several projects that focus on the real-time communication of accurate and precise network time. (Did you know that Network Time Foundation is the official maintainer of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) reference implementation?)

PublicNTP is addressing the growing need for accurate network time servers in under-served communities around the world. They do this by putting free and unrestricted NTP servers in areas that don’t currently have enough. Many areas previously had none. These new NTP servers provide secure and reliable time sources to the people in these areas. At this time they are operating NTP servers in 22 cities in 17 countries, across 14 time zones and six continents. Additionally, installation of many more NTP servers is planned.

Critical stuff!

This Helps You and the World

This partnership establishes a direct line of communication and collaboration between PublicNTP and Network Time Foundation. As a result, all users of PublicNTP’s time servers always have the latest, most secure version of the NTP reference implementation software.

As a result, joining Network Time Foundation adds PublicNTP to a growing list of institutions and individuals supporting this vital cornerstone of the Internet’s infrastructure.

Join the party!

Become a member or make a donation.

As always, be excellent to each other!

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